The Switch... Um, yeah the Switch.
Okay so explain the only reason why the switch wins is simply because it still has its online structure. The switch can play 18 zelda games playable on it, those being:
Breath of the wild (Cart)
Tears of the Kingdom (Cart)
Echo's of Wisdom (Cart)
Cadance of Hyrule (Cart)
Skyward Sword HD (Cart)
Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition (Cart)
Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity (Cart)
Links awakening Switch (Cart)
Legend of Zelda (NSO)
Zelda II the Adventure of Link (NSO
Link to the Past (NSO)
Links Awakening DX (NSO)
Orical of Ages (NSO)
Orical of Seasons (NSO)
Ocarina of Time (NSO+E)
Majora's Mask (NSO+E)
Link to the Past + Four Swords (NSO+E)
Minish Cap (NSO+E)
Those are all the games playable on switch, now the, 3ds, new 3ds and Switch could all play the same amount of zelda games that being 18 but since both the 3ds eshop is down we lose out on all of the Vitrual consol games, but most of those have moved over to swtich anyways and only 2 zelda games on those systems remain unplayable for the rest of time if you don't have them downloaded onto your system,
The Too Much TIngle Pack (DSIWARE)
Four Swords Anniversary (DSIWARE)
But almost every other zelda game not mentioned on the swtich list is playable in some form on the Wii u and 3ds execpt for the gamecubes Four Swords Adventures. Both Twilight Princess HD and Windwaker HD still have not made there way over to switch yet, but hopefully the switch 2 can change that. The switch also lacks the DS zelda games, the Tingle games, and the 3DS games, which luckly for me I have all downloaded on my New 2ds Xl, and I also own both Windwaker HD, and Twilight Princess HD, meaning I have all the zelda games I need. But thats it for this post I have an indepth video about all of this coming out on my youtube channel soon, if you want a more indepth look at what consols can play what Zelda games to see what is the best fit for you! Anyways ill update this post once the video come out, so until then remeber to always PLAY LOUD, LOTS, & TOGETHER :)
P.S I know I didnt mention the Satellaveiw games or the CDi games I go over those in the video I just don't the the gerneral population cares about those games, I Do but this is for the casual zelda fans please don't kill me Zelda community.
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